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Falconer Auto Repair | I-86 Truck Repair and Auto Service - The Owners

Owner Nathan Whitford completed his vocational training in heavy-duty truck and agricultural mechanics, graduating top in his class from the Hewes Center in Ashville, NY. He later served as an active member and officer of the Chautauqua Area Diesel Advisory Council.

Nate's career has included roles as mechanic, foreman, driver, and owner of a trucking fleet for 14 years prior to launching this automotive repair business. His background provided extensive experience and first-hand insight into the trucking and automotive repair industry. You could say that he has always had a wrench in his hand, working along side his dad and other relatives as he grew up.

His wife Ronda has been there all along this journey, managing the office and taking care of business. She is a graduate of Olean Business Institute, with an extensive career in business management from large corporations to small local business prior to making the full-time move to self-employment.

Today they head up the I-86 Team to ensure "The I-86 Experience" and quality of service remain the same as the business grows.