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Can You Guess the Auto Emblem?

Can You Guess the Auto Emblem?

Auto company symbols are not just creative representations, they may also hold some history of the automaker itself. See if you can guess the automobile company responsible for the following emblems. Emblem Description: A women leaning forward. The garment billowing behind her looks a lot like wings. The Spirit of Ecstasy is the official name of this Rolls Royce emblem. (The double "R" emblem would have been too easy.)British model and secretary Eleanor Thornton was the inspiration for this classic sculpture. She was the personal secretary of Baron John Scott Montagu. He was a friend of co-founder Charles Rolls. Miss Thornton and Montagu were on a ship in the Mediterranean when they were torpedoed by a German U-boat. Thornton drowned but Montagu survived. ... read more

Are Electric Vehicles Really Better?

Are Electric Vehicles Really Better?

At I-86 Truck & Auto Repair, we are seeing more all-electric vehicles. Which leads us to today's topic of discussion: the benefits and drawbacks of EVs. Pro: Electric automobiles have a lot of low-end torque. Because they’re not prone to overheating, you can run them hard every day. Which makes them prime for stop-and-go traffic. And they are super quiet which most men and women appreciate. Con: Learn to take everything with a grain of salt, because regardless of the oft-mentioned advantages, they have a limited range. Though new EVs have a longer range, some drivers report "range anxiety." Hard-core EV proponents dismiss this psychological downside-after all, many can now go 100 miles between charges. But if you are an overly-nervous person, be sure to take this possibility into account. Your lifestyle also plays a fa ... read more

Turn Your Car Into a Mobile Office

Turn Your Car Into a Mobile Office

Today's message is for road warriors who have not ventured technologically beyond a phone charger plugged into their cigarette lighter. Fortunately, it's never been simpler to conduct business from your car. By investing in a few well-designed devices, you can be more capable and professional while working remotely. Get Connected You most likely recognize that the first order of business is to connect to the internet. Most individuals have internet connection capability with their smartphones but tablets and laptops usually require Wi-fi or a wired internet connection. Mobile hotspots are Wi-fi enabled devices that allow you to take an internet connection just about anywhere. The latest car models are outfitted with mobile hotspots built in so you can always be connected through your laptop or tablet when you’re ... read more

Clear The Air: Replace Your Cabin Air Filter

Clear The Air: Replace Your Cabin Air Filter

The cabin air filter, once only found in luxury vehicles, is now an important part of the majority of late-model cars. Air that enters the inside of the car though the ventilation, heating, and AC systems passes through the cabin air filter (or filters, depending on the vehicle). The filter captures various airborne particles such as pollen and dust through mechanical means, and a layer of charcoal helps eliminate odors. How Often Should I Replace It? Many auto owners wonder how often their cabin air filter should be replaced. Most manufacturers recommend replacement every 12,000 to 15,000 miles, however, the air quality where you live is also a consideration. More pollution requires more frequent replacement of this filter, but that doesn't mean that only drivers in smoggy cities need to review the filter more frequently ... read more

Have To Park On The Street?

Have To Park On The Street?

Garages are great for those motorists lucky enough to have them. We use them to store old athletic equipment, Christmas decorations, bikes, and some folks even manage to park their cars in them! However, not all drivers have the option of parking in a garage. Street parking can leave your car vulnerable to the natural elements, thieves, and other vehicles. Thankfully, there are many ways you can safeguard your vehicle, truck, or van from these dangers. To limit the effects of the elements, carports and car covers are effective options. Carports will shield your car from direct sunlight as well as hail, and if you live where it snows the carport will save you time since you won't have to scrape your windows every day. For homeowners, or those with generous landlords, having a carport can be a valuable advantage. Consider this when comparing ... read more

Car Insurance: Who Decides How Much You Pay?

Car Insurance: Who Decides How Much You Pay?

Getting the best deal on vehicle insurance is an issue for every driver. With the internet, it is fairly effortless to compare rates between companies. But how exactly are those rates determined? It turns out that a variety of factors play into what amount you'll end up paying each month. Driving Record It should come as no surprise that your past driving record is a major aspect of your insurance rate. Speeding tickets and past insurance claims are all on record and are accessed by insurance companies. It really does pay to make car safety and responsible driving a priority! Your Vehicle The value of your automobile, as well as the cost to fix it (or even replace it), will affect your insurance rate. This can be important when you are car shopping because cars that have high scores in crash tests will ... read more

Fun Quiz For New Drivers

Fun Quiz For New Drivers

Today's message contains a quiz for brand new drivers. You’ve had your learner’s permit long enough, you’ve passed the written test, and you’ve even made it through the high-pressure practical exam. You are a driver! But your driver’s education isn’t over yet. Let’s see how you do on this quiz of vital automobile knowledge. How do I find out if I have enough oil? A. Climb under the vehicle and find the oil pan. B. Open the automobile’s hood, pull out the dipstick, wipe it clean, then put it back in the tube all of the way. Now the dipstick will show how full the oil is using the markings on the end. C. Look at the oil monitor on the dash display. Answer: B and C While many newer automobiles have electronic oil monitors that display oil levels, it’s still a good idea t ... read more

Automotive Safety: A Success Story

Automotive Safety: A Success Story

The first auto fatality that was documented in the US was in 1899. An electric taxicab hit a man who was exiting a trolley car in New York City. In the over one hundred years that have followed, automobile manufacturers along with the government have worked together to make automobiles safer for everyone. We can all appreciate the fact that these efforts have paid off! Cars are safer today than they have ever been. Vehicle fatalities continue to fall. If the fatality rate (per capita) was the same in 2011 as it was in 1962, there would have been 150,000 more deaths. But because the industry works to make its autos as safe as possible, lives are saved every single day. Here are some of the safety breakthroughs that are now commonplace. Three-point Seat Belt This is arguably the most important safety feature in your vehicle ... read more

What Truckers Wish We Would Stop Doing

What Truckers Wish We Would Stop Doing

Did you know that more than 80% of the towns in our country have EVERYTHING trucked in? Though these communities don't produce any goods of their own—they can buy the same goods as people in large industrial centers. They have dedicated long-haul truck drivers to thank.  There are over three million men and women who work in the trucking industry. They serve a critical role in our economy—transporting products from place to place.  It can be grueling work. And it can be a very thankless job. One difficult thing about being a truck driver is dealing with unsafe driving behavior on the nation's streets and highway ... read more

What Does It Take To Be An Automotive Technician?

What Does It Take To Be An Automotive Technician?

Are you interested in a position as an automotive mechanic? Do you have what it takes? Automotive Service Excellence First off, you need to earn the ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) certification. The rigorous ASE course is a respected industry diploma and demonstrates the skill level you have achieved. The ASE program is organized by vehicle type (cars, trucks, buses) and automotive systems. The ASE Core 8 is divided into categories as follows: A1 Engine Repair A2 Automatic Transmission/Transaxle A3 Manual Drive Train and Axles A4 Suspension and Steering A5 Brakes A6 Electrical/Electronic Systems A7 Heating and Air Conditioning* A8 Engine Performance *These qualifications differ per variety of vehicle; most school buses don't have air conditioning, for example. ASE Maste ... read more