4 Important Things I’ve Learned About Car Tires – Be Informed! A 4-part Series…
Part 1 – Tire Pressure and Temperature Fluctuations

If you notice your car’s tire pressure sensor (TPMS) light come on, it doesn’t always mean your tire is going flat. Certain times of the year our daily temperatures can swing 40 degrees or more! Tire pressure sensors are very sensitive and temperature fluctuation will increase or decrease the volume of air in your tires. If your TPMS light comes on, visually check to see if you have a flat tire, check your tire pressure with a gauge, and adjust your tire pressure accordingly. You may need to add a pound or two of air for colder weather temps so that the sensors don’t continue to trigger the dash light. But never ignore the TPMS light, it’s trying to tell you something! Customers at I-86 Truck & Auto Repair can receive this simple tire pressure service free of charge without an appointment!
Stay tuned for Part 2!
Ronda Whitford, Owner
I-86 Truck & Auto Repair
1739 Lindquist Drive
Falconer NY 14733