4 Important Things I’ve Learned About Car Tires – Be Informed!
Part 3 – Tires have a “shelf life”

Are you a low-mileage driver or do you own multiple vehicles? Here’s something you should be aware of for tire safety! Vehicle manufacturers recommend tire replacement at 6 years, and tire manufacturers say tire life should be limited to no more than 10 years – regardless of mileage on them. How do you know the age of a tire? The US DOT NHTSA requires the full Tire Identification Number be stamped on one sidewall of a tire. Look for the letters DOT, followed by eight to thirteen letters and/or numbers that identify: the manufacturing location, tire size and manufacturer's code, along with the week and year the tire was manufactured. Find the last 4 digits of the ID number on your tire. The first two are the week number of the year, and the last two are the year.
Stay tuned for our final part in this series!
Ronda Whitford, Owner
I-86 Truck & Auto Repair
1739 Lindquist Drive
Falconer NY 14733