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Monthly Archives: April 2019

Leather Upholstery Do's and Don'ts

Leather Upholstery Do's and Don'ts

The automotive service team at I-86 Truck & Auto Repair is passionate about keeping vehicles properly maintained so they can perform at peak condition for as long as possible. Some of our clients' vehicles have 200k+ miles, are still in exceptional condition, and have many more serviceable years left in them. And, by the way, they welcome the fact that these dependable rides were completely paid off years ago. Sadly, we also occasionally see newish vehicles that have been utterly thrashed and abused. We often remind our customers (for good reason) that skipping maintenance services like oil changes has some pretty serious consequences, but we don't stress the importance of interior care nearly enough. In today's post, we turn our attention to caring for leather auto upholstery. Leather is quite durabl ... read more

"Nose Teams" at Work

"Nose Teams" at Work

Is the distinctive new car smell manufactured? In the Model T days, new automobile smells probably weren't engineered. Now, carmakers have fragrance chemists responsible for creating a car's signature fragrance. (No wonder new cars are so expensive!) These scientists, sometimes called "car sommeliers." are like any other team of auto engineers. They design, they create, they test. It's a complex process. "The Audi Nose team analyzes more than 500 different components from the interior of each model separately, as well as the scent of the complete car." Sometimes, Auto manufacturers change the fragrance for a different country. According to Ford, Chinese auto buyers are no ... read more