Posted on 12/19/2023

Why not reduce your Holiday season and Winter Break travel with some simple steps? Here we go! Have a trusted vehicle advisor relationship… I’m going to sound “old” for a moment, so bear with me. When I was young, my grandfather was my trusted vehicle advisor. I was a tomboy and had been tagging along to the repair shop with him since I was about 8. I remember getting my first car - A Dodge Charger Daytona SE in two-tone red with leather seats. She was a beauty! Pa helped me to learn how to check my oil levels and he purchased a car care/safety kit to keep in my trunk. I signed up for an evening automotive class at the high school to learn more basics. Fast forward to today and it’s a whole new world! Every year more technology and engineering changes in vehicles make it more difficult for car owners to maintain their own vehicles, and more expensive to just own one. Therefore, it is truly important to have a trusted repair shop you can ... read more