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Monthly Archives: June 2018

Are You Ready To Embrace Autonomous Driving?

Are You Ready To Embrace Autonomous Driving?

Even if you don't live in an area where autonomous vehicles are being tested, you have probably heard a lot about them. With all the publicity—both negative and positive—about autonomous technology, some Americans wonder if their fellow citizens are completely on board. Since it's a frequent topic of conversation, we looked into it. The Public Has Not Embraced Them YetA recent survey by CareId (an automotive marketing company), found that not all Americans are sure about them. We Still Like to Drive Ourselves The survey found 75% of respondents would prefer to drive themselves than be transported in an autonomous car. Furtherm ... read more

A New Life For Used Tires

Without tires on your vehicle, you wouldn't get very far. They help propel you forward and they support your car’s weight. Properly inflated tires with good tread help keep you and your ride on the road. Unfortunately, tires don’t last forever. Every year roughly 300 million tires need to be replaced. That is about one tire for every American every year. What happens to all of those used tires? Few states allow tires in landfills. This is because they quickly pile up and trap methane which damages landfill liners. When the liners are damaged, the toxins from the tires pollute the groundwater. Lots filled with piles of old tires provide an ideal place for rats and mosquitoes to flourish. Burning tires isn't an option, as the fumes are toxic. Recycling tires is the environmentally-responsible way to deal with old tires. Most likely the location you purchased your tires will recycle them for you. Roughly 110 products use rubber from recycled tires according to the EP ... read more

Can You Guess the Auto Emblem?

Can You Guess the Auto Emblem?

Auto company symbols are not just creative representations, they may also hold some history of the automaker itself. See if you can guess the automobile company responsible for the following emblems. Emblem Description: A women leaning forward. The garment billowing behind her looks a lot like wings. The Spirit of Ecstasy is the official name of this Rolls Royce emblem. (The double "R" emblem would have been too easy.)British model and secretary Eleanor Thornton was the inspiration for this classic sculpture. She was the personal secretary of Baron John Scott Montagu. He was a friend of co-founder Charles Rolls. Miss Thornton and Montagu were on a ship in the Mediterranean when they were torpedoed by a German U-boat. Thornton drowned but Montagu survived. ... read more

Are Electric Vehicles Really Better?

Are Electric Vehicles Really Better?

At I-86 Truck & Auto Repair, we are seeing more all-electric vehicles. Which leads us to today's topic of discussion: the benefits and drawbacks of EVs. Pro: Electric automobiles have a lot of low-end torque. Because they’re not prone to overheating, you can run them hard every day. Which makes them prime for stop-and-go traffic. And they are super quiet which most men and women appreciate. Con: Learn to take everything with a grain of salt, because regardless of the oft-mentioned advantages, they have a limited range. Though new EVs have a longer range, some drivers report "range anxiety." Hard-core EV proponents dismiss this psychological downside-after all, many can now go 100 miles between charges. But if you are an overly-nervous person, be sure to take this possibility into account. Your lifestyle also plays a fa ... read more