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Monthly Archives: March 2017

Auto Talk: Do You Drive One Of The 10 Most Dangerous Cars?

Auto Talk: Do You Drive One Of The 10 Most Dangerous Cars?

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, the following cars are involved in the most collisions: Kia RioNissan VersaHyundai Accent 4 DoorChevrolet AveoHyundai Accent 2 DoorChevrolet CamaroChevrolet SilveradoHonda CivicNissan VersaFord Focus This is quite a diversified group, with everything from compacts to a 4-wheel drive pickup. Clearly, each vehicle made the list for different reasons. Why are these vehicles so deadly? According to experts, here are some of the properties that may contribute to a high accident rate: Small and light High center of gravity (especially in cases of single-vehicle accidents) Less durable structural design Hi ... read more

Auto Talk: AWD, FWD, or RWD?

Auto Talk: AWD, FWD, or RWD?

Have you ever talked with someone who insisted they were right about which drive type is preferable? It is a common topic that gets brought up, but who is really right? Which drive type is best?  There is probably not a "right" answer because each type has its benefits. People usually choose their vehicles and drive types for specific reasons. Take, for example, FWD. Not many individuals would buy a sports car that operates through FWD, because of its poor handling and the understeer that occurs from the power being directed into the front wheels. So it doesn’t make sense to buy a FWD if you want a track ready sports car. What are the advantages of RWD? There is ample evidence that they are sturdier and less pron ... read more

Just For Fun: What Was Your Teenage Dream Car?

Just For Fun: What Was Your Teenage Dream Car?

The adolescent years are full of all kinds of exciting milestones. Your first kiss, your first job, and, of course, getting your drivers permit and hitting the road. Jay Leno wished for a 1967 Ferrari 275 GTB4 as a kid and bought one as an adult.1 Justin Bieber didn't have to wait - he was zipping around in a Lamborghini at the age of sixteen. The perks of wealth! We have a lot of customers who have weighed in on the issue, and we've gotten into more than a few animated discussions about whose teenage dream vehicle would have been more fun in which situation.  Iconic Movie Cars  Some say their choice was influenced by a popular movie of their youth. From the '55 Chevy Harrison Ford drove in American Graffiti, the 1970 Dodge Charger&n ... read more

Falconer Car Lovers: Why is the Accord the Most-Stolen Car?

Falconer Car Lovers: Why is the Accord the Most-Stolen Car?

Millions of Americans love the Honda Accord. And so do car thieves. In fact, over 50,000 Accords were stolen last year - some right here in the Jamestown area. Why does this model rank high on the list of most-stolen cars year after year? It seems the Accord is a victim of its own popularity. (This also applies to another frequently-stolen Honda, the Civic.) The perennial popularity of the Accord impacts theft rates in at least three ways: 1. The sheer number of Accords on the road compared to other cars delivers relatively more opportunity for theft. It is unclear just how many Accords are in use, but according to Honda spokesman Chris Naughton, over the last 30 years, Honda has ... read more

Car Talk: How Smart Can a Car Be?

Car Talk: How Smart Can a Car Be?

When it comes to new products, "smart" is the new must-have feature for many New York people. Smart homes, smartphones, smart televisions and so on, but what about smart cars? How smart can a car be? Sounds like it’s from the future, but these are a few of the many characteristics that Tesla offers in their today! Let’s focus on possibly the smartest cars on Falconer roads today. As of this writing, there are two Tesla models available in New York and a third to be released next year. The two available models are the Model S, a luxury sedan and the Model X, a luxury SUV. Both models share much of the same technology including a huge 17 inch touchscreen to manage things such as the GPS n ... read more