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Monthly Archives: November 2017

The Most Expensive Places to Drive

The Most Expensive Places to Drive

When you consider the rates of owning and driving an automobile, you probably think about the initial purchase, oil changes, gas, and repairs. But what about the roads we drive on? Building and maintaining thoroughfares for auto travel is not cheap. If you live in an area where roads are paid for with transportation taxes, you may mistakenly consider that they are "free" to drive on because you don't stop and pay every time you travel on the road. (This is probably how "freeways" got their name.) You pay for the use of the road when you swipe your debit card at the pump and pay a significant amount in taxes. Communities with toll roads take a different approach to financing their transportation infrastructure. Toll roads are financed by collecting money on the spot from every driver that travels the road, and some have ... read more

Keep It? Sell It? Trade It In?

Keep It? Sell It? Trade It In?

Our relationship with our car is different for each of us. Some car owners develop a connection with their car because it is such a key part of their life. It carries them back and forth to work, makes family vacations possible, and takes them about the world. For others, a car is no more than a way to get from Point A to Point B, or worse, a necessary evil. Whether you love your car or simple consider it a means to an end, deciding if it's time for a change can be a difficult task. Do you sell it to the dealership? Sell it to a private buyer? Or is it a good idea to just drive it 'till it drops? Hopefully, this article will help you in your choice. Sell Back To The Dealer? Let’s begin with the question of whether you should sell/trade in your car to the dealership. The first thing to know is that the dealershi ... read more

The Most Common Causes of Traffic Fatalities

The Most Common Causes of Traffic Fatalities

If you take a moment and review the most prevalent causes of traffic fatalities, you will be reminded that ACCIDENTS CAN BE PREVENTED! Today's post delivers a serious warning for all of us who venture behind the wheel of our car and join our fellow road warriors on our nation's roads and expressways. The team of automotive experts at I-86 Truck & Auto Repair isn't pointing fingers here, we know that all of us drivers can take safety more seriously. Distracted Driving According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving claimed 3,477 lives in 2015 alone. People, in general, need to just learn that it can wait. When comb ... read more

Auto Fun: Have You Ever Done Something Crazy to Avoid a Ticket?

Auto Fun: Have You Ever Done Something Crazy to Avoid a Ticket?

It seems like you always get caught speeding at the worst time possible; racing through downtown Falconer to pick up the kids from school, running a red light because you’re late to a key meeting, or heading to the airport when you are about to miss your flight.  The flashing lights in the rearview mirror are always a dreaded sight and most of the time indicate that a fine is coming your way. Today's article includes some stories of men and women going to extremes to try to get out of a ticket. One man got stopped for simply not wearing his seatbelt. The officers who stopped the man didn’t know what was coming next. The officer showed mercy and spared him the fine. The man filmed it all on his phone with a selfie stick. I guess you could try this yourself if you feel like you have the voice of an angel. Another man took ... read more