You probably only consider your car's lights when a bulb needs to be replaced or when your headlights get covered in thick snow (or mud, for you adventure seekers). But the lights on your car are worth another look.
Did you know that your headlights are specifically aligned for the country you are driving in? It's true! For those of us who drive on the right-hand side, the light that comes out is aimed down and a little to the right. This allows for visibility to see road signs and helps you avoid blinding oncoming drivers.
High Beams
It's important to only turn on your high beam or full beam headlights on vacant stretches of road. If any other car appears, turn them off.
Fog Lights
Like high beams, you should only use fog lights in certain conditions. Can you guess which conditions? If you guessed foggy conditions then you are right! These lights are very helpful, but when used when there is no fog other drivers can be blinded.
Hazard lights are typically used when your car is stopped on the side of the road. These lights will help other drivers notice your vehicle and adjust their driving accordingly. The usage of hazard lights while driving differs from state to state, so be aware of the laws where you live.
Interior Lights
Lights inside of the car are so nifty, especially when you are traveling with a child who seems to drop their favorite toy on the floor roughly every three minutes. While these lights can save you from a tantrum, you should not use them for extended periods of time.
If you have any questions about the lighting systems in your car, please come and visit us at I-86 Truck & Auto Repair. Ask us about a headlight restoration service.