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Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM1739 Lindquist Drive, Falconer, NY 14733


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Brake Services and Replacement in Falconer, NY

The Brake System – Your car’s most important system for safety!

Your safety, that of your loved ones, and the public is in your hands when it comes to your vehicle’s safe operating condition! The good news is that I-86 Truck Repair and Auto Service in Falconer NY can help you keep your brakes in tip-top shape with regular brake inspections and service recommendations. As part of our I-86 Digital Vehicle Check-up, your brake system will receive a visual inspection of components, measurements will be recorded in tech notes, and photos taken. We send you a link to this digital report via text. It’s just that simple! Your Service Advisor will advise you of the condition of your brakes, explain the color coding of the report, answer any questions you may have, and provide an estimate for recommended repairs.

Tires/Brakes - I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service

This photo is an example of the Tire and Brake section of our Digital I-86 Vehicle Check-up Report. You will see the checkmark is green which is good! Photos are shown at the right as well for reference.

I-86 Truck Repair and Auto Service is not just an auto repair shop, we’re so much more!

Our team wants to be your “Partner in Auto Care”, so let’s learn what your car’s brake system and brake service are all about so you can make an informed decision. A car’s brake system is comprised of brake pads, shoes, drums, rotors, master cylinders, wheel cylinders, brake hoses, calipers, brake hardware and brake fluid. Perhaps you thought brakes were all about pads and rotors? Those are the most common items that require replacement due to wear, so you’re not wrong. The other parts, however, are just as important for the entire system to function safely. Brakes are a normal wear item and eventually they will need to be replaced. An inspection of the brake system will give you advance warning so that you can plan and budget for these repairs. No one likes a surprise like a big car repair bill!

How do you know when something is wrong with your car’s brakes?

Signs should you watch for when your car’s brake system is not working properly:

  • Longer braking distance than normal
  • Noises like squealing or grinding
  • Your brakes smell “hot” or are smoking
  • Vibration or pulsating in the brake pedal
  • Your car pulls to one side when braking
  • Drops of brake fluid under your vehicle
  • Brake pedal feels “soft” or “spongy” when applied

Brake service basics every car owner should know

What is a brake service? The term “brake service” is a general term for any preventative maintenance or repairs on your car’s brake system, and it may include:

  • Brake fluid topped off and condition checked
  • Contaminated brake fluid flushed out and replaced
  • A visual inspection performed on all components
  • Brake pads and rotors replaced
  • Brake hardware cleaned and lubricated
  • Mounting surfaces cleaned
  • Other parts replaced such as calipers and hardware
  • Brake lines replaced if degrading/leaking
  • Parking brake components inspected
  • Adjustment of brakes if applicable
  • Break-in period during test drive
  • And more!

What is an I-86 brake fluid service? Our technician will remove old and contaminated brake fluid from the master cylinder, brake lines ABS module and calipers. The service effectively extracts and replaces brake fluid from the vehicle, replacing the old fluid with BG premium Brake Fluid. All services are performed to OEM procedures. Upon completion, the system is inspected for leaks and test driven.

The most common questions related to brake system service

How often should I have my brake system inspected or brake parts replaced? Your driving habits will play a role in brake wear, so we recommend you work with your Service Advisor to determine the best service intervals for your vehicles. As you know, the local geography in Chautauqua County is very hilly, often very steep! The Falconer / Jamestown area is no exception.

How do you know when brake pads need to be replaced?

  • Our technician will perform a thorough visual inspection of all brake components, looking for things like:
  1. Brake pad thickness
  2. Friction material broken, cracked, or not firmly and completely attached
  3. Brakes contaminated with oil or grease
  4. Has metal-to-metal contact
  5. Disc brake pad wear sensor is activated
  • We use a tool similar to the photo below to measure your brake pad thickness. It’s color-coded for quick reference just like our digital report! Green is good; Yellow needs to be monitored; Red is unsafe.

Tool for Brake Pad Thickness - I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service

Brake wear and premature failure

What factors can help you get the longest possible life from your car’s brakes and save money? We recommend a periodic brake inspection so any irregular or premature wear can be caught and corrected before additional damage is sustained. A simple way to remember, to save on number of repair shop visits, and reduce costs is to have a brake inspection performed at the same time you have tires rotated.

The quality of parts used during brake service is an important contributing factor for longevity and performance. You can purchase lower-quality “lifetime warranty” parts to save money in the short term, but you will most likely experience increased labor costs and more vehicle down time over the long term. We have also seen vibration and pulsation in the brake pedal and steering wheel more often and earlier with lower quality components.

Proper brake replacement recommendations

Did your repair shop recommend replacement of rotors and servicing of other brake parts at the same time as replacing brake pads? This is why… “Pad slap” refers to just quickly installing new brake pads without inspecting or replacing additional brake parts or proper lubrication of moving parts. It’s cheaper and faster, but this type of service almost never lasts very long! The rotors begin to fall apart, or other components lock up and cause further damage. The photo here shows a delaminated rotor with nearly new brake pads. This vehicle recently had brake pads replaced at another repair shop but not the rotors, and the brake system was not properly serviced. The car owner is now paying for tear down a second time, replacing rotors AND brake pads damaged by failing rotors. Did they save any money?

Brake Replacement - I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service

I-86 Truck & Auto Repair is a trusted repair shop for brake services

Have you noticed that automobiles are not what they used to be? Our mechanics are well-versed in the brake systems of modern vehicles, with continuing education on vehicle technology. Request your Brake Inspection appointment today!

I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service

1739 Lindquist Drive

Falconer NY 14733

“Experience The I-86 Difference!”