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Yearly Archives: 2016

Fuel Saving Tip: Slow Down

There’s not much drivers can do about the price of gas in ?New York, but we can control - up to a point - much we use. Our driving habits can dramatically affect our gas mileage. The first thing we can do is watch the go-pedal. Hard acceleration just sucks the gas. Gently leave stop lights and plan lane changes so you don’t need to floor it. That can save you hundreds of dollars a year in improved gas mileage. Go a little slower on the interstate highways.... drivers who go more than sixty-five miles an hour will see their gas mileage drop dramatically. Leave early so you don’t need to rush to be on time. And cruise control is your friend – steady speeds use less gas. Plan errands ahead. Make fewer trips by combining errands around the area. Hey at current New York gas prices, a lead-foot might as well be a gold foot. Give us a call I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service 1739 Lindquist Drive Falconer, New York 14733 716-665-2501   ... read more

Automotive Tips from I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service: Air Conditioning Inspection

Most auto manufacturers recommend an interval for an air conditioning system inspection. The inspection uncovers leaks, worn hoses and assesses the condition of the other components.Environmental laws require leaks to be repaired before refrigerant can be added. Also some parts manufacturers require other components to be replaced along with certain failed parts in order to maintain the new part warranty. This is because a given failure may be the result of another worn or damaged part that will, if not replaced, prematurely damage the new component.I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service in Falconer is fully equipped to restore your flow of cool air.I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service1739 Lindquist DriveFalconer, New York 14733716-665-2501  


Air Conditioning

Maintaining Your Older Car

The government mandates a lot of equipment on cars: emission devices and control computers, safety equipment like airbags and crash worthiness requirements. All of this is great for the motoring public, but it does add quite a bit to the price of a new car.Because new cars are more expensive, people are driving their old cars longer. The average car is now over nine years old. Two thirds of vehicles on the road have more than 75,000 miles. As cars age, their performance drops, they have difficulty idling for long periods and are more sensitive to weather extremes. Fortunately today's cars are up to the challenge – but they need a little help to keep on goin'.Give I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service a call at 716-665-2501 to schedule your next maintenance.Some owner's manuals don't specify service requirements at higher mileage. That doesn't mean it doesn't have to be done. In fact, it's more important than ever to stay on top of routine maintenance fo ... read more



Why Synthetic Oil Is Best for Local Drivers

Today's I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service car care topic is: Synthetic Oil vs. Petroleum Based Oil. Synthetic motor oil is a substitute for petroleum based oil. If you aren't currently using it, why not? Synthetic motor oil maximizes engine power and fuel economy. To see why we'd need a microscope, so we'll have to settle for using our imaginations. The molecules of conventional motor oil are long hydrocarbon chains. Synthetic motor oil, on the other hand, has uniform, round molecules. Which is slipperier? – a pile of pencils or a pile of marbles?Synthetic motor oil lubricates better because there's less friction. This results in myriad benefits: better wear protection, cooler operating temperatures, more power and better fuel economy. And synthetic oil doesn't sludge up like conventional oil so it prevents those small oil passages from clogging up. (We see that all the time at I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service in ... read more



I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service Fuel Saving Tip: Check Engine Light

Here's a question for you: How long have you been enjoying the romantic glow of your check engine light? Hey, it's not there to create ambiance; it's a warning that something's wrong. (And, by the way, Homer Simpson's fix of covering it with tape is not a good idea.) Many conditions that trigger the check engine light can hurt your vehicle. A lot.If your date's eyes are smoldering in the soft glow of the check engine light, try to think of all the gas money you'll save by getting it fixed. Give I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service a call when you are ready. I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service1739 Lindquist DriveFalconer, New York 1473371


Fuel System

The I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service Guide to Saving Fuel: Beware of Myths

There's a lot of auto advice in New York right now on how to save money on gas. Some of it is good advice. Some of it isn't. Some of it is myth. And it may well be a scam. Plain and simple. When someone offers you a product designed to save money on gas, ask yourself, “Does this sound too good to be true?” If the answer is yes, do more research.The internet offers us a convenient and quick way to research someone's claims about gas savings. Falconer drivers can usually find out in only minutes whether that claim is questionable or not.Chances are other Falconer drivers have already tried what you're being offered. If you find evidence that others feel they have been scammed, you should be wary of becoming the next victim. There aren't any pills, magic or otherwise, that you can drop into your gas tank to improve your gas mileage. Drop in enough of those pills and you can actually harm your vehicle. The last thing you need is a bun ... read more


Fuel System

Will Proper Auto Maintenance at I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service Really Save Gas?

Have you ever thought about all the little things we do to keep our lives running smoothly - like vacuuming? It makes a room feel fresher and more comfortable. We may not consider that we're also prolonging the life of the carpet by keeping it clean. But Falconer drivers don't always extend those good habits into the garage. Our vehicles need regular maintenance just like our rugs need vacuuming. We may not notice a difference in the feel or appearance of the vehicle, but just as cleaning a carpet carries the hidden reward of prolonging its life, maintaining our vehicles incurs a hidden reward that becomes noticeable at Falconer gas stations.When it comes to reduced fuel economy, there are two culprits: increased friction and inefficient fuel combustion. That means that anything Falconer drivers can do to decrease friction and increase the efficiency of their engines will translate to savings on fuel. Friction increases the amount of energy it takes to move something. So if we can redu ... read more


Fuel Economy

Hey Falconer Drivers: How Do You Save Gas?

Higher Falconer fuel prices aren't going away any time soon. That's not good news for our wallets. A lot of Falconer drivers are trying to find ways to cut down on fuel consumption and hang on to some of their hard-earned money.North Americans drive billions of miles less during months of high fuel prices. That's right, billions. Of course New York vehicle owners can't stop driving altogether, so we still need to find other ways to cut fuel bills.Preventive maintenance at I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service in Falconer and good vehicle care can actually pay for themselves by lowering our fuel consumption. Here's a real-life example of how that can work.A family planned a four-day camping trip. Before leaving, they took their SUV into I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service for an oil change. They flushed the cooling system, serviced all three differentials and cleaned the fuel system. They replaced the PCV valve and breather element. Then they checked the t ... read more


Fuel Economy

Ask I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service About the Importance of Service Intervals

Today in our I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service blog, we're going to talk about following recommended service intervals. Your vehicle isn't the only aspect of your life with recommended intervals: What about six-month dental cleanings and regular physical exams? Then there's laundry, mowing the lawn, paying your electric bill, changing your furnace filter - you get the idea.Now, what would happen if you didn't follow these intervals?For one thing, your teeth may get more cavities. You might not discover health issues that benefit from early detection and treatment. And you'd have to wear dirty clothes, be embarrassed by your overgrown lawn and have your power shut off.We all realize there are some things in life that we have to take care of regularly. If we don't, there are negative consequences. Our quality of life diminishes and it inevitably costs more money.Have you ever wondered, "How often should I bring my car in for scheduled maintenan ... read more

Maintenance on My Mind

Ask any Falconer man or woman if they've taken their vehicle in for preventive maintenance lately, and the answer may well be “no.” Surveys indicate that over 80% of vehicles on the road today are in need of some kind of repair or maintenance. Now, ask that same person why he hasn't taken his car in for care. The answer will probably be that he forgot or that he just didn't think about it. Most Falconer residents seem to have a hard time remembering about scheduled maintenance for their vehicles.Funny, because most of us in Falconer have no trouble remembering to wash our clothes, mow our lawns or brush our teeth. It isn't that we can't remember to take our vehicles for service; it's a matter of making it a priority.When it comes to our vehicles, Falconer drivers like myself, need to be a little more maintenance-minded. The fact is, we can choose to do it, or we might find ourselves being compelled to do it.For example, when we consistently ... read more

