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Category Archives: Maintenance

10 Services Falconer Drivers Often Overlook

We live such busy lives nowadays: work, social events, running the kids all over Falconer. Some days it's all we can do to keep track of everywhere we need to be. That's why you've gotta be organized. Smartphones, calendar apps - we have to keep track of it all.So let's talk about schedules. Specifically, automotive service schedules. And particularly, the scheduled services that are sometimes forgotten.Here is a list of 10 service items that are often overlooked by Falconer residents. They're all very important and need appropriate attention. So here we go, in no particular order.1. Power Steering ServiceBe honest; have you ever thought of this on your own? Your power steering fluid gets dirty and builds-up moisture over time. Cleaning out your power steering system means that dirt and gum are removed and your power steering parts are protected from corrosion. Next time you're in for an oil change, ask your I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service service advisor i ... read more



Serpentine Belt Service at I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service

Most Falconer folks occasionally have days when they've got a bunch of errands to run. Yesterday was my day off and I needed to fill the gas tank, pick up some groceries at my Falconer market, swing by the ATM and get the kids from school. I could have made four trips . . . but that would have been totally inefficient. Instead I got unusually organized and planned my stops. I hit the ATM first and got gas next. Then I went to the supermarket and picked up the kids on the way home. I was proud of my wise use of time and money.What does this have to do with your car? Well, back in the day, each of your engine's accessories, like the alternator and air conditioner, were powered by separate belts. A vehicle might have five or six belts. These days, vehicles have a single belt to run all the accessories. It's called the serpentine belt. A pulley attached to the vehicle engine's crank provides the power to turn the serpentine belt. On the engine in the video, the first accessory in line is ... read more



Falconer Drivers Severe Service Maintenance Schedules

Since driving requirements and lifestyles differ among Falconer drivers, your vehicle manufacturer publishes two auto maintenance schedules: the regular schedule and the severe service schedule. Which schedule should Falconer drivers follow? Here are some questions to ask yourself:Are most of your trips less than four miles/six kilometers around Falconer?Are most of your trips less than 10 miles/16 kilometers in below-zero New York temps?Are most of your trips off-highway in New York?Do you drive often in dusty Falconer areas?Do you regularly tow a trailer or carry heavy loads around Falconer?Do you drive in very hot or very cold New York weather?Think about your typical week. Do you live by your nearest Falconer on-ramp and enjoy a non-stop commute? Or, do you drive the neighborhood car pool in stop-and-go traffic on Falconer surface streets? Let's suppose your owner's manual says the severe service oil change recommendation is 3,000 miles/5,000 kilometers a ... read more



Budget for Maintenance in Falconer

Sometimes busy Falconer residents dream about going back to the “simpler” days of our grandparents. But if you could travel back in time and take a road trip around New York in a Model T, you might change your mind. The improved designs and quality of today's automobiles have significantly reduced the amount of time Falconer residents spend at the side of the road during breakdowns. With proper maintenance, today's vehicles can stay on the road longer than ever before.Some of those improvements, however, have led to higher repair costs. For example, older cars often broke down from vapor lock. Gas vaporized while traveling from the gas tank to the fuel pump. No gas, no power. The car quits going. The solution was simple — you just sat by the road until the car would start up again. Today's Falconer drivers would hardly tolerate that kind of inconvenience, and it's likely that yesterday's Falconer drivers didn't care much for it, either. So on today's vehicles, th ... read more



I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service Maintenance Tips: The Belt Goes On

I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service Maintenance Tips: The Belt Goes On

All Falconer service advisors know that without the alternator, the battery will go dead in a few miles. The serpentine belt may also run the pumps for both the power steering and power brakes. And on many vehicles, the serpentine belt powers the water pump. The water pump circulates coolant through the engine to keep it within normal operating temperatures. (On some vehicles, the water pump is powered by the timing belt instead of the serpentine belt.) So you can see the serpentine belt does a lot of work. And it if breaks, it affects a lot of systems. That's why your vehicle manufacturer and your service advisor at I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service have recommended that it be changed every so often so that it doesn't fail.Your friendly and knowledgeable I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service service advisor can perform a visual inspection of the belt to see if it has any cracks that signal the belt could f ... read more



I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service Helps You Decipher the Menu Board: Part 2

New York service centers have a menu board that lists the services they provide. Some Falconer drivers may not be familiar with all of the items on the board so here is a quick description of some of the typical services that might be listed.I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service fuel system cleaning: Over time, the vehicle fuel system gets gum and varnish built up. A fuel system cleaning gets rid of that and cleans out the fuel injectors. Saves gas, by the way.I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service headlamp replacement: Halogen and standard headlamps gradually fade. It's usually good to change them every year or so.I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service inspections: Falconer drivers get inspections for many reasons. Maybe they're going on a trip or just want to make sure their vehicle's ready for a New York summer or winter. Maybe they just bought a used vehicle and want to give it the once over. An inspection may revea ... read more



Make Your Vehicle Last

We live in such a disposable society. It's amazing all the stuff we throw away. New stuff comes out so fast, we just toss the old and move on. In the old days, New York folks were real sticklers about taking care of their things. If something got lost or ruined by neglect, tough - they had to do without. Most Falconer drivers couldn't afford new vehicles very often, so they had to make them last as long as they could.It's a good thing that vehicles are more reliable these days. They just don't break down as often. And the good news for us New York penny pinchers is that a modern vehicle can easily go 200,000 miles/320,000 km with proper care. The engineering and the manufacturing quality is tremendous. The missing ingredient is us Falconer vehicle owners making sure we follow the vehicle manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedules.Every time you go a little farther between recommended oil changes, you have created an opportunity for sludge to be formed and ... read more



Keeping Your Car Young in Falconer

As Falconer consumers, we live in a disposable society. It's amazing all the stuff we throw away.New stuff comes out so fast in New York, and much of it is fairly cheap, so we just toss the old and move on. It seems like when we were kids our parents were real sticklers about taking care of our stuff - especially parents who grew up in the Depression. You know, hang up your clothes, polish your shoes, put away your toys. If something got lost or ruined by neglect, tough; we had to do without.  We couldn't afford new cars very often, so we tried to make them last as long as we could. It's a good thing that cars are more reliable these days. They just don't break down as often. And the good news for us Falconer penny pinchers is that a modern car can easily go 200,000 miles (320,000 km) with proper care. The engineering's there and so is the manufacturing quality. The missing ingredient is us making sure we follow the vehicle manufacturer's maintenance schedules.Is it really that ba ... read more



Keys to a Long Lasting Vehicle

We live in a disposable society. Everything from elaborate packaging to our clothing. Even cell phones are disposable. When replacement is cheaper than repair, the term "built to last" goes by the wayside. An exception is our vehicles. They're still a very big investment and Falconer drivers want to make them last as long as possible.  We also want to make keeping them running as cheap as possible. When talking vehicles, it's all about preventive maintenance. There is an old saying that says, "A stitch in time saves nine," and that is really true when it comes to taking care of your vehicle. A great example is coolant service in Falconer.Your coolant not only protects your engine from overheating and freezing, it must also protect cooling system components from corrosion. Over time, coolant becomes corrosive and actually starts to damage your radiator and other parts. That's why you need to have your cooling system serviced on a regular schedule.The same is true for your powe ... read more



Commitment to Make Your vehicle Last at I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service

These days many people in the Falconer area are really committed to making their cars last a long time. First thing: you've got to start with what you've got. It'd be ideal if people started with a brand new car, never missed a scheduled service item, paid attention to the severe service maintenance schedule and had regular inspections. But if you've had the vehicle for a while or bought it used, its maintenance history is what it is; and that's where you start.Go through the maintenance schedule for your vehicle and see what's been done and when. Have your Falconer service advisor at I-86 Truck Repair & Auto Service do an inspection and come up with a list of stuff that needs to be done. Review the list and prioritize the work, talk about budget and make a plan to get caught up.Making a plan is so important. Suppose you go in for an oil change and learn you need your cooling system serviced, a transmission service and are coming up on a timing belt replacement i ... read more

